Friday, April 27, 2012

It's the Genuine Draft.

I'll be honest. I'm at my parents house, laptop in hand with less than half an hour battery remaining and a power chord stuck 80 miles away in Fargo. This might end up being shorter than a midget.

Anyways, the NFL Draft is currently going on and to be honest, none of you should care. The media coverage is so overblown about guys that MIGHT play in the league it makes me sick. NFL teams wont play a regular season game until September.

This is just another example of how the "now-this" structure fails us. Maybe somebody else saw the Delmon Young was charged with a hate crime? I think that sounds a little more relevant than Mr. Irrelevant.

Or better yet, how about how Mr. Kobe Bryant decided he doenst like scoring for once in his life even though he probably should have decided that twice. Related to the NBA, let's talk about the upcoming playoffs maybe? Because that would actually involve covering guys who actually already play in a league.

Hell, I'd rather read something about a Japanese baseball league than read another thing about one of these NFL draft prospects. Half of these guys getting drafted wont even play in the league. They'll suffer through training camp, proceed to get cut, get signed to a practice squad and toil their for the rest of their miserable "playing" days and still make more than I ever will.

I also am willing to wager money that half of people who claim themselves as sports fans didnt know their was TWO game seven's in the NHL playoffs last night. The coverage on those games was next to nothing.

Every year we get these insane draft boards that are completely useless. Nobody can predict the future or the draft. So please stop trying. To the media, find something else to cover.

Well, that's all my battery will allow. Hopefully I met the minimal height requirement.

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