Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Apparently boobs split locker rooms, although they arent very important ones

Perhaps you saw this. Apparently boobs divide locker rooms, although they arent important ones or at least not to me. But what is important is why that piece of worthless information was even wrote about. But here is a cool video about Vikimanis.

What is important to me though is wondering why a story like this is ever written. From looking at the blog page you can tell the writers put out a tremendous amount of blogs which could lead to having to blog about useless and trvial things, such as silicon breasts.
Laura Vikmanis, the NFL's oldest cheerleader
Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Don't get me wrong though, the Shutdown Corner, at least to me, is one of the best football blogs on the Web but when I read about fake breasts dividing cheerleaders locker rooms I get hesitant to come back. Yes it is the offseason in the NFL but please find something more relevant. Perhaps the Peyton Manning saga? Just an idea. And here's another Yahoo!, please find somebody to filter the comments, oh my lord people say some vile things behind their computers.

With Yahoo! Sports always trying to compete with the other guy, which is the formidable ESPN, Yahoo! Sports needs to look more professional than having all of that nasty stuff up for viewing on their website. I certainly wouldn't encourage my Grandmother to read that page.

This is a prime example of how needing instant gratification provided more and more by the mobile web we end up reading football articles about plastic boobs. Great news really.

Dont get me wrong I am not trying to rip Chase for his blog post in any way other than I may have lost a few brain cells reading this post. I hope I can get them back, I knew I should have paid closer attention in science class.

I think this will be a trend that continues in the blogsphere with writers having more and more to produce and the shrinking budget of the industry, which really is quite sad and alarming.

It scares me because I want to read blogs that are worth my time and this one certainly was not.

Mr. Chase, I'll be back, but please step up your game.

Whether it's real or silicon.

(Updated April 26th, 2012)

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